Today was the birthday of my 12 year old cousin Michaela and we had to leave early to help setup her party. We said goodbye to my American cousin Mercedes and her friend. Then picked up my sister and 40 bottles of soft drinks for the party, luckily this wasn't coming out of my budget.
We then went to my cousins house before helping to set-up at a local club, where my cousin's party was being held. Then proceeded about four and a half hours of screaming 12 year old girls, whilst me and my sister acted as security, making sure everything went to plan.
Personally, I didn't want to be that guy that told everyone off for having irresponsible fun, but for my sister, the primary school teacher, it was second nature, so I let her do most of the telling off. What also surprised me, and now stating this makes me feel old, is that I was surprised that the kids knew all the words to all the latest rap songs, despite the subject matter, which I deemed to be of adult content. Additionally, who the hell is Justin Bieber?
Actually, I take that back, I wasn't surprised they knew the words at all, I just hope that they don't fully understand what they meant. Just like when I was asked to write my year 4 (age 8) book report on Red Dwarfs "Backwards", and when asked to write the new word I had learnt by the teacher, I chose..........Gonads. My parents were called in and the teacher explained that she didn't mind me reading those books because I was quite mature for my age (a weird definition of mature that involves knowing the word gonads) but she didn't think the other children in my class were ready, so in future it would be better if I kept my gonads to myself. I'm pretty sure at age 8 I didn't understand the full meaning of gonads, just like the 12 year old girls didn't fully understand the meaning of "eenie meenie miney moe lover", especially as I recently found the book report in my old bedroom, and was confused as to why the teacher circled the word gonads in red, adding the words "oh dear" by the side.
The party went on until late and I snuck away for a bit to eat my final portion of the tuna risotto I had made on Wednesday (Added to my pesto, pasta and red pepper lunch I had again spent nothing). What's strange is that it tasted better every time I heated it up. Just as I finished it was time for the speeches. There were four speeches in total, one by Michaela herself, one by my aunt and uncle, and two by some of Michaelas best friends. I was surprised at how inventive and articulate they were, with two girls (who were twins), whose speech was a quite a witty and cerebral dialogue that explained why they were such good friends, then the final one was a girl who used a pop song and changed the lyrics to fit why she was best friends with Michaela too.
The party was a great success and me and my sister went home exhausted.
Happy birthday Michaela!
Spent £108.02
p.s here's a graph I made out of boredom