Monday, 19 July 2010

Challenge Day 7: The discovery of gumtree

On the last day of my first week. I kept my promise of the previous day by making apple crumble and macaroni cheese. I also asked my parents to get some more things for the following week. In total it came to about £10 that should last me until Wednesday or Thursday.

During the day I decided if I could find more free things to do around London for the following week and had heard about gumtree being a good place to look. Unfortunately, I was easily amused and sidetracked on my first visit to the gumtree website by the section called gumtree fun. It seemed a place for people to anonymously post their inner most feelings. These included:

Someone who posted 10 reasons why they hated their ex-boyfriend and how he had ruined her life.
Someone who had fallen in love with his girlfriend's brother's girlfriend.
Someone whose boyfriend was blatantly in love with another girl, who was jealously in love with the boyfriend after breaking up with her fiancée, and didn't know what to do.

And my personal favourite from someone, who like me, found the anonymous posting of inner most feelings amusing rather than serious, wrote this under the title of "I just can't hide it anymore"

...i eat far too much watermelon - it's become my secret shame. i thought i could pass it off as getting my five-a-day but it's cost me my job, my relationships and my subscription to Fruit Fetishist monthly magazine...i live in a mess of pips and rinds and am miserable....surely i'm not alone, am i?

*pitiful weeping ensues*

Despite the collection of ads not worthy of an agony aunt column, I did find one that could have been of great use. A guy had posted an advert stating that he was soon to go travelling for three months and therefore wanted to sell his Oyster card with all zones for a grand total of £120.

Considering my ankle meant I was now most likely needing to be getting the bus home everyday too, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to save money and have free travel for work and social time. I sent him a text, but considering the ad was posted on Wednesday and had already received 50 views I wasn't too hopeful.

My friend Matt then unexpectedly showed up. It was nice to have a visitor and I showed him my day's findings on Gumtree. After searching again for free classes I then found a post for this:

Now to me, the name cuddlegroup sounds a little weird, but I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt and so decided to check their website. The first line intrigued me further...

"Welcome to the Cuddle Group where people come together to connect with each other in an amazing way."

They sounded like they had invented cuddling, either that or they had confirmed my initial suspicions of weirdness. Next came:

Touch is a vital part of everyday life. But with today's busy lifestyle some people are not able to be as tactile and have the human connection with others that they would like. Being tactile with other people can help reduce stress and increase positivity. Even if you are not too used to being cuddled or hugged you can come along and enjoy the safe environment of the Cuddle Group"For information on what happens at a Cuddle Group please go here and also read through the frequently asked questions here"

Now I couldn't resist reading on, including the FAQ, I'm not going to list them here but feel free to check them out yourself.

Anyway, after Matt had left with a handshake rather than an amazing dose of positivity, I cooked dinner and then went to bed.

Spent £42.27