Saturday, 4 September 2010

Challenge day 50-56: Entering the final days

Monday: Notting Hill part 2

It felt slightly strange not to be at work on a Monday, but I wasn't complaining. I woke up later than usual and went to pick up the items of my weekly shop. I then met my friend Matt before heading out once more to Notting Hill. Unfortunately, my travelcard had now run out so I had to purchase a single to Notting hill that cost £1.80 as I went later in the day. I had brought two sandwiches though to cater for my lunch and dinner.
Once again we saw a day of colourful floats, people partying and a fair share of dreadlocks. Me and Matt then met Tal (who had spent the day in Covent Garden without Lauren), before arranging to meet Lauren and her two friends at pub nearby. Whilst waiting by a lamp post for Lauren and her friends to arrive a man (Dan) and his girlfriend (Amy) asked if we wanted to sit down whilst we waited. We explained who we were and I explained that Tal had been a tour guide for my first time in Israel, then when I had stayed on she had let me crash at her place so I was returning the favour. However, before I had time to say I was returning the favour, the girl then said to me oooh you slut! I think she meant to say it in her head and in her mildly drunken state had blurted it out. She then began to apologise, oh I'm sorry I didn't mean that, I was stopping myself from laughing to try and explain on Tal's behalf that we were nothing more than friends. Matt on the other hand was doing his upmost to help me by virtually wetting himself with laughter at the sight of this girl trying to apologise after her slightly misplaced outburst. The boyfriend looked like this type of thing had happened before, and his attitude throughout our conversations, was one of being bothered enough to wince at some of the conversations she had brought up, but not bothered enough to make her change the subject. She was like a cross between the blond dippy one from the Vicar of Dibley and Big Sooz from the Peep show. All in all the pair of them were hilarious without trying, just what you need after a long festival on what felt like a Sunday afternoon. After Lauren and her friends arrived we all sat together and had some more conversations with Dan and Amy from Hackney.
We then left to get the train home to where my friend was having a party in Balham. I asked Tal and Lauren if they wanted to come to and they decided at the very last minute they did, leaving Lauren's two other friends to get the train back to Sutton together. It was a leaving party for one of my friends who was travelling around China for the year. It was nice to see her and another collection of my friends too. I had my fair share of free booze and crisps before being given a lift home by one of my friends who hadn't been taking such advantages. I also said goodbye to Tal who was returning to Israel the following morning.

Spent £338.64

Tuesday: Back to work

After a few hours sleep I woke up and cycled the 8 miles to work on my little bike. After not cycling for over a week I was a little worried I might not be able to do it, but I managed to get through it ok. I stayed at work until 8pm doing a 12 hour shift in preparation for the Hackney Roadshow of the next two days. I then cycled back home before making myself spaghetti bolognese.

Spent £ 341.23

Wednesday: Roadshow time and a full conference

Wednesday was the first day of the Hackney Roadshow in the Tesco's car park in morning lane. I wondered if I would see Amy and Dan from the Carnival, but unfortunately not. We managed to distribute over 1000 pieces of information (leaflets etc) and risk assess 100 people for type 2 diabetes with 55 being referred to their GP for testing. I also received an email to say that all the delegate places on my conference had been filled. In conclusion, a pretty good working day. Additionally, my travel and lunch expenses, that would cover the next days lunch too were paid for by the Roadshow team. For dinner I had part two of my spaghetti bolognese.

Spent £341.23

Thursday: The softball Finale

Thursday was not just the final day of the Hackney Roadshow but also the Finale of the charity softball season of 2010. It was between Cancer Research UK (reigning champions of the previous 2 years) and Sparks, a charity that funds research for babies born with a medical condition or disability. After helping out at the Roadshow (where we managed to risk assess exactly 100 people once again) Magda and I, headed to Hyde Park. Lauren and one of her friends from the Carnival was in Knightsbridge so I told them to come with and watch. It was a hard fought game with some excellent play and a fair share of high octane moments (including when a man was running to the 2nd base and the women on the base just made the catch to strike him out, unfortunately for her, he couldn't halt his run and completely took her out. Luckily being a charity softball watched by various other charities, including St John's Ambulance we were well stocked up with first aiders. However, despite play being stopped for a good ten minutes she soon came around and play continued). Going into the Last innings Sparks had a considerable lead and Cancer Research were unable to catch them up. Much to the joy of the rest of the softball teams watching, Cancer Research UK were knocked off their perch.

Throughout the match Harris Hill had provided free food and alcohol, but that in no way stopped the spectators from rushing to the Tattersley Tavern (the designated post softball boozing hole) to take full advantage of the bar tab provided. In total I had consumed about four pints by the end of the night and had not paid for any of them. Additionally, I had saved my sandwich for dinner therefore I had again spent nothing.

Spent £341.23

Friday: A nightime cyclist

After the evening before I was not looking forward to my cycle journey in. It was made worse by me witnessing a trucks wing mirror being completely taken out by a bus as they collided with each other. The bus then drove off leaving the truck driver looking rather shaken up. I left my details with him if he needed a witness and waited until he felt better.
I got into work slightly late but was working until 8pm because I was training speaker volunteers in our Camden Office the next day. Speaker scheme volunteers are given training and promotional materials to enable them to talk on behalf of Diabetes UK to groups in their local communities. It is a very effective way of raining awareness about diabetes and the work of Diabetes UK. The training includes advice and guidance on giving presentations and the scheme will give speakers the opportunity to develop their presentation skills to a wide range of audiences.

I then cycled home and had my final portion of spaghetti bolognese.

Spent £341.23

Saturday: Speaker Scheme training

The training went well, the only problem being the projector, which decided mid-way to stop working. Luckily, it fitted well within the "hints and tips" section and in particular the part about always having a plan b if technology fails you. I trained 10 speakers and I am to train another 10-20 on the 25th of September too. I had planned for 12 but 2 didn't show up so the surplus of food bought for the training I decided to take home with me after offering off remainders to the group. I therefore had two salads and enough fruit to last me well into the end of my challenge.

Spent £341.23
Sunday: Happy birthday Nicola

Sunday was the birthday of my mum Nicola and my friend Joao. I wish them all the best and hope they had a great day. My mum went with my dad and sister to an old fashioned railway with a steam train. She likes them because they remind her of her childhood trips to Frinton on Sea, where she got her very first job as a waitress in a tea room.
I on the other hand wrote up my blog for the previous three weeks, whilst also cooking dinner of risotto for the whole family. Final week to go and I will add my rent for this month of £116.25, leaving me with a total of £142.52 for my final week

Spent £ 457.48