Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Final week shock ending

My Shock ending to the challenge will be revealed on the eve of the Wednesday the 8th of September.

Thanks to all that have sponsored me so far too:

Ilaria, Huw, Elaine, Joao, Laith, Anna, Michelle, Ryan, Steve, Mum (who I know reads this because I found it stored in her favorites), Dad, Shaleen, Helen, Despina, Juliet, Rose, Jessica, Allan, Vicky, Shaun, Richard, Jennifer, Louise, Will and a few more to be updated and a few more hopefully to be added at http://www.diabeteschallenge.org.uk/challenge/saveme

If I reach my target of £1000 I will be donating £1000 of my own money that I have saved to help fund one of the Research grants held by Diabetes UK.